If you have crooked teeth, you may be seeking orthodontic treatment to enhance your smile and improve your oral health. However, you might also have concerns that the treatment will be too disruptive to your daily routine for you to pursue.
Invisalign can be the ideal treatment for you because it does not interrupt your schedule the way that some orthodontic solutions can. Dr. Wayne Sankey, an orthodontist in Flower Mound, TX, describes the benefits of choosing Invisalign for adult or teen orthodontic treatment.
Discreet Appearance
One of the reasons dental patients are hesitant to pursue orthodontic treatment is their concern for their appearance during the teeth-straightening process. Metal braces can effectively enhance your smile, but while they are in place, they are noticeable and can detract from the luster of your smile.
Invisalign features a clear-colored set of plastic aligners that provide a discreet appearance during your orthodontic treatment. They are constructed based on 3D imaging of your unique smile for a comfortable and secure fit.
This customization prevents slippage of your aligners and creates a subtle look that is less visible to a general audience. You can straighten your teeth effectively while preserving a sense of privacy.
No Dietary Restrictions
Orthodontic patients with braces are warned against eating sticky, chewy, or hard foods, such as caramel or popcorn. These items can damage metal wires and brackets and lead to inconvenient orthodontic repairs.
Invisalign is removable, so you can take the aligners out of your mouth while eating. This means you do not have to restrict your diet in fear of harming your orthodontic progress.
Removable aligners also allow for easier maintenance of your Invisalign. You can continue your usual oral hygiene routine with the aligners out of your mouth and then brush and rinse your Invisalign to keep the fixtures clean.
Fewer Orthodontist Appointments
Many individuals worry that with orthodontic treatment, they will need to schedule frequent orthodontist appointments to tighten braces that will ultimately align your teeth. With metal braces, you visit your orthodontist every few weeks over the course of several months or years.
Invisalign involves replacing aligners every two weeks, but you can talk to your orthodontist about receiving these new aligners at your home rather than scheduling appointments with your orthodontist. This allows you to dedicate more time to your daily routine rather than visiting an orthodontist’s office.
Invisalign for Adults and Teens in Flower Mound, TX
Flower Mound Orthodontics offers Invisalign treatment for teen and adult patients in Flower Mound, TX. Dr. Sankey also specializes in other orthodontic treatments, such as braces and orthodontic appliances. To schedule an appointment with us, contact our office online or reach us by phone at 972.833.8212.